Friday, September 08, 2006

Cabin Fever

Wow, 2 updates in one day!!!

We are at the campsite right now, they have wireless internet access so Miss Kelsey brought her laptop along... how could we survive without it?! It came in very handy when we were playing the movie game while the hot dogs were cooking. It's a fun game... someone names a movie title and the next person either has to name an actor in that movie, or a second movie that has someone in it who was in the movie named, or the same words in the title... that's a little complicated....

The Butterfly Effect

So then, the next person can say... Ashton Kutcher.

So then the next person can name a movie he was in.... Dude, Where's My Car.

So the next person can say.... Riding in Cars with Boys (Both titles have the word car in it.)

Anyway, it's fun once you get the hang out it, but we kept saying "Oh, what's the name of that movie" or "Ah, what else was that person in"... so then out came the laptop on here we come.

After the game we ate hotdogs, baked beans, and potato salad. After dinner we played monopoly (Mom thought she had me with all those houses on her places but you can't beat a girl who has 3 houses on Boardwalk and Park Place). Now we are all in our beds... uncomfortably and ghetto since Mom forgot the blankets. Oh, and there's no fire pit. We can only make a fire in the grill provided, so no sitting around the campfire singing songs and telling stories... but we did that anyway. :o) Nothing can beat the camping trip with Patty and Pam almost killing me and Lauren with carbon dioxide poisoning though.

I miss my Papa Ed today. Mom and I were laughing and talking earlier about when he came camping with us in the camper and the table fell on his head. And then the 3 of us sat in the kitchen listening to all his stories from when he was growing up. I loved that trip, even though we skipped out early because the camp site really sucked and there wasn't really anything to do.

Nanny, I still plan on staying with you.. I can't wait to meet Lily! I miss Tulsa so much I need an animal to cuddle with. I will probably spend a few nights at Laurens house, and I think Robby is going to ask his mom if we can keep the furniture in his brothers old bedroom at her house so we don't have to pay for a storage unit. We are leaving Thursday, so hopefully we will be back by Monday at the latest.

Aunt Kris.... you need to post something in your blog. It's boring. Have a safe flight out to Seattle and I'll see you for.... a day.... while you're here.


nanny joan said...

wow you did leave a long post - but I have read it three times now. I miss you guys so much. Wish I was able to go camping. You made me laugh when you were all talking about Papa. Pooh I still miss him so much and I talk about him and to him all the time. Most of the time I remember funny things he said and did and it makes me laugh - not cry so much anymore. I thought about you and your sister so much last week-end. I miss you Dad almost as much as Papa and sometimes I feel his loss even stronger than Papa's. We all have faults, but your Dad was really a kind and loving man, and he loved his family so much. I know he did some quirky things sometimes that we all got annoyed with - but everyone of us does quirky things that make other people crazy. I just wish he would be here to see how his girls have gown and I know how proud he is of both of you. I told Kelsey that I question God all the time about why he took your Dad home so early in his life. I get really mad at God too. The only thing we can hope is that somehow he will get through to us and tell us in a way we can understand so that we don't grieve and live in the past all the time.

Well, I have to go out for a little bit to the store and get Ms. Lilly some more cat food and get some pork chops - the sled pot is spending the night tonight. Then I am going to go to Lutheran Church with her and Kris tomorrow. So enjoy the rest of your week-end and I will hear from you while you are on the road. Tell Squirt and Mom I love them too.

Kris said...

I want to play the movie game too!!!!

Kris said...

I want to play the movie game too!