Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We made it!

Well, we made it! It's been hectic so far... when we got here we went right to Robbys and said hi to his family and everything. He wanted to go over to hang out with his friends and watch the Steelers game, so I went to see the cousins while Lauren was at the store. After she got home I went up to see her and we jumped around all excited that we were finally reunited! We then went over to see Katie and after that went down the street to see Danielle and the baby. He is ADORABLE. Biggest bald head I've ever seen... but such a happy child!! He was laughing and smiling just about the whole time! Then I met up with the crew and we all went to Perkins and ate and talked, catching up on everything. Just like old times.

I spent the night at Laurens last night because it was too late to come back to Nannys, and then this morning I went over and helped Robby unpack some of our stuff... we didn't get very far.

Aunt Kris told me Nanny was at work today so I ended up going over to her house and waiting for Kassidy to get home... then after she did we colored and played Mall Madness. Nanny came over at dinner time and announced that she didn't have to work today, so I could have been here the whole time! I had fun with Kassidy though and I know she did too.

I'm at Nannys right now, probably going over to Robbys later for the night... talk to you all later!

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