Friday, September 05, 2008

News from Africa

Okay, so if you don't know already, my ultimate goal in studying Sociology is to earn my degree and be able to join the Peace Corps and travel to Africa to help the citizens, especially the children, learn the dangers of AIDS and educate them on how to take care of themselves and their health and take care of their siblings. I was reading these 2 articles today about some of the recent events in Africa, and they aren't foolin' around over there.

The first one is about the rebels in the Congo, who recently had one of the worst battles on Thursday in the village of Matebe, which is where Ishameal Beah is origionally from. If you haven't heard of Ishamael Beah I highly recommend reading his novel called "A Long Way Gone" (I had to read it last year in English and it's an amazing story).

The second article is about a US Aid plane crashing in the Congo with 17 humanitarian aids on it. I know something like this could happen anywhere, but the fact that it was carrying Americans who were trying to help the other people in this world made it that much more sad.

Anyway, I still want to join the Peace Corps, but this is some serious stuff, and scary... just because there are Americans in Africa who are trying to help and not fight, doesn't mean they are out of the line of danger. It makes me want to help even more, but it also opens up the eyes to the realism of it all.

New poll.

Hanson in 2 days. :)

Now to watch some more of "The Office" before bed. G'Night!


nanny joan said...

so how was the concert and the back stage visit. I just wish Kelsey could have gone back with you.... Is today BSB/s concert. Kris and I are having a disagreement as to where you guys went tonight. Let me know in an e-mail ok.

Kris said...

Your mom's cousin Pam on Papa's side - her daughter Samantha, whom you met with her sister Jenn, went to Africa last year. I'll see if I can get her email and send it to you.