Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My 2 cents!

Well leave it to a man to do a womans job. I left Robby with the one responsibility of putting a stamp on my mom's letter and sticking it in a mail box. He bought three 2 cent stamps and when none of them stuck he taped them and mailed the letter at the box at Getty. None the less we got it back today with a note saying you can't tape stamps and by the way you need more then 2 cents! DUH! So I took over and put it in a new envelope with a new stamp and mailed it away. Hopefully you get it soon Mommy, sorry for the mix up!

I'm still waiting for my so awesome bag! I can't wait to show it off, everyone has been asking where it is because I've already told everyone about it!

Work is going really well. I like what I do but I'm with ya Mom, sometimes my computer is so slow I just want to bash my head through the cubicle... or lay it down and take a quick nap! I'm familiar with the systems now so I don't need anyone holding my hand through all the paper work I get anymore, and I've made friends! Charlene (who is well over 45 and loves to tell us about how she used to be a biker chick in the 70s with her huge bell bottom pants) and Angie, who reminds me soooo much of Margo from CAL. Angie picks me up every morning and takes me home on the days Robby doesn't come get me.

He has a construction job right now with this guy Kurt. He doesn't like it very much because he has to get up very early in the morning and Kurt doesn't let him take cigarette or lunch breaks! He works from about 7-4 without any breaks. He is off tomorrow and Your Place is hiring full time kitchen staff so I think he's going to go in there and see about getting a job.

Boscovs had a sale this week so I went and got myself 3 nice slacks and a sweater and a really cool shirt for work. I love being able to buy things with my own hard earned money! I made a calander on my computer at work with what bills need paid and when. This weekend I'm going to see about my cell phone. I think I'm going to try to get a pre-paid phone so I can cut out one more bill for right now. After I'm all caught up on that, which should probably take me about 2 months I'm hoping, I'm going to see about maybe taking a class or 2 at HACC. I'd like to get my degree in Early Childhood Education but I think I need to take it slow and not put too much on my plate so that I can really do well this time, and I want to keep working full time also.

Went to the Ren Faire on Sunday with Erin and the gang. It was so much fun to get out and do something with my friends, and sorry to say, but without the boy, haha. It was very windy at first and then it just got cold, but we still had a good time.

Mom, got your Christmas gift already! I saw it and had to get it for you, so I did. I can't believe it's November 1st tomorrow! The holidays are right around the corner... I don't know how it's going to be this year with everything that's been going on. For once in my life I'm not really excited for Christmas, just excited to see the Seattleites! Kelsey, Hanson concerts coming soon? We will have to figure out this across the country concert business when it comes!

I don't really talk to anyone in the east coast family except Nanny and Aunt Kris. I get up every morning and go to work and sometimes hang out with Robby until about 9 or 10 and then I'm in bed. Can you believe it? I'm usually ready for bed around 10pm! Must be getting old!

Well I've written a book so I think I'm off, it's almost bed time!

(Reminder for myself that The OC starts on Thursday... and while I'm on the subject, Mom and Kelsey did you watch the reunion of Flavor of Love? New York is going to have her own show! What is this world coming to!??! You know I'll be watching it though hahaha...)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Nice weekend

2 weeks of work down! Doing pretty good- got my first pay check and only kept about $40 for myself. Paid Mom half what I owe her and Nanny all of what I owed her. Mom- you should get the check in the mail soon if you haven't already, and the other half will be in the mail on Thursday when I get paid again. My check was about $400 but they took out almost half for taxes, including that dumb occupational tax... but since I only have to pay it once my checks should be pretty decent from here on out. My cell phone is turned off right now but should be back on in about 2 weeks.

Found a solution to one of my TV dilemmas... abc.com has Lost episodes that you can watch for free, so I don't have to worry about finding some how to tape it while I'm watching One Tree Hill. The internet is so wonderful and luxurious. I don't know how people survived without it! The OC doesn't start till November 7, but I'll have to figure out some way to sort that out too... ah well. I'll handle it when it comes.

Nanny is at the beach until Wednesday, I've been here taking care of Lily. She cries all the time, she's such a spoiled kitty! I also have the Cruiser so I don't have to get rides from Aunt Mare to and from work... which is nice.

Spent the weekend with Robby... on Friday night we watched scary movies since it was Friday the 13th... Saturday we hung out at his house most of the day and then we came back here to Nannys and made ham steak with corn and baked potatoes for dinner, yummy! Then we went and hung out with Lauren for a little bit before we came home to go to bed. Today was super boring, I came home from his house around 2 and he's gonna go hang out with Justin today and might stop by here later on. Next weeked on Friday we are going to see The Departed with Lauren, she already saw it but said it was really good. I think we might also carve some pumpkins with his nephew, which we were going to do this weekend but decided to wait. So that should be fun.

Anyways, I'm gonna go be a couch potato now... its a nice day out so I have the windows open with a nice breeze flowing through and I'm sure there is a good movie on! Talk to you all later!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Surreal Life

All I can say is wow... how did this ever happen? Is it really happening? Will it ever be over?

There's a lot of craziness going on in the PA.. I know you all already know what it is so I don't feel I need to really say a lot about it... I would like our family to have some sort of privacy... which is usually rare.

Anyway, it's surreal and doesn't seem like it really happened or is really going on. I pray for "T" and "M" that each of them get the best out of this horrible situation that they can... if that makes any sense.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Fun weekend, first day of work

What a fun weekend! Nanny was definitely surprised and I was so happy when Saturday finally came and I didn't have to keep trying to keep it a secret. Believe me, it's very hard with her! See Nanny, you had your party and it was wonderful- I'm glad you know now that we want you to be happy and I'm sorry you were so upset and stressed out the week of your birthday because you didn't think anyone was going to throw you a party but boy did you luck out! :o)

Uncle Kirk and Ripken- I didn't get to say goodbye to you before you left, miss you already! I was very happy to be able to spend time with you and visit with you and I can't wait to see you again, hopefully next time Aunt Kristen will be able to join us!

Kelsey you are gorgeous and I miss you soooo much already, come back!!! Like Robby said, don't try too hard to make yourself look pretty, you are a natural beauty. :o) I love you so much little sister!

Mom, I'm glad that I got to see you and spend time with you and have a good weekend with you, I love you very much- I can't wait for you to make my purse I will use it everyday and everyone will be jealous!

I had my first day of work today- 2 paper cuts from stuffing envelopes for over an hour, but I think once I get into the groove of things I will really like it there. There was a lot of information to learn and I think Carol (my trainer/boss I think) could tell I was a little overwhelmed at one part of the day, she smiled at me and said "don't worry we will go over this 5,000 times". I don't have my desk yet, but the lady who is in my cubical is leaving on Wednesday so I will move into my "office" then. I'm just happy to finally have a job and be able to start getting back to life. Thanks to everyone who has been helping me (NANNY!), I really appreciate everyone's help- the money, the rides, the places to sleep... it's been a big help.

I'm stressing about the 4th- Lost starts and I don't have any way to record One Tree Hill!! Man, the problems of a 21 year old!

Well, I must get to bed, after all, I'm a working girl now who needs to get up at 7am- I never was really good at that.