Thursday, September 28, 2006

So far in TV land...

I missed the first 2 episodes of Amazing Race!! That sucks...

The season premiere of One Tree Hill made me cry before the theme song even started- great episode! I already knew what was going to happen because Kelsey told me some spoilers, but still a tear-jerker.

The season premiere of Grey's Anatomy was a tear-jerker as well, but they tried to make it "too" sad, so I didn't let myself get choked up.

I'm going to miss Six Degrees tonight because I'm riding to the airport with Nanny and Aunt Kris to pick up Uncle Kirk and Ripken... the first episode of that didn't really get me too excited so I'm not too upset about missing it. I'm sure I'll be able to catch up later.

Can't wait for Lost to start, I hate seeing the commercials for it because it gets me too excited!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Not a lot going on over here on the East Coast right now... I don't have a car so I really haven't been doing much. Nanny lets me borrow her car when I need to go somewhere, which I really appreciate! Today I think Aunt Deb is going to teach me how to drive her stick shift, haha...

I got a job at TransCore, putting in data entry for people who get EZ Passes on the turnpike. $9/hr, M-F 8-5. I just have to work on my resume this weekend.

Robby filled out an application at the Hershey Factory and yesterday he went downtown and filled out some applications at some resturaunts which he said seemed kinda promising. So we'll see.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Season Premiers!

Just for my own records:

Mondays- 9pm House of Carters
Wednesdays- 9pm One Tree Hill
9pm Lost
Thursdays- 8pm Survivor
9pm Grey's Anatomy
9pm The OC (Nov. 2)
10pm Six Degrees
Sundays- 830pm Amazing Race

So... not too happy with the line up. Thursdays are packed... and all my shows are pretty much on at the same time. I'm definitely going to have to get TiVo or something! Man, Robby's going to hate it. He doesn't understand why my family loves TV so much, haha. I feel like I'm missing a show... isn't that horrible. Man, this really is sad! I know what I'm missing... Everwood. Damn "CW" took it off the air to let 7th Heaven have their 298230959th season. I will NOT be watching that show this year. I hope their ratings plummet.

We made it!

Well, we made it! It's been hectic so far... when we got here we went right to Robbys and said hi to his family and everything. He wanted to go over to hang out with his friends and watch the Steelers game, so I went to see the cousins while Lauren was at the store. After she got home I went up to see her and we jumped around all excited that we were finally reunited! We then went over to see Katie and after that went down the street to see Danielle and the baby. He is ADORABLE. Biggest bald head I've ever seen... but such a happy child!! He was laughing and smiling just about the whole time! Then I met up with the crew and we all went to Perkins and ate and talked, catching up on everything. Just like old times.

I spent the night at Laurens last night because it was too late to come back to Nannys, and then this morning I went over and helped Robby unpack some of our stuff... we didn't get very far.

Aunt Kris told me Nanny was at work today so I ended up going over to her house and waiting for Kassidy to get home... then after she did we colored and played Mall Madness. Nanny came over at dinner time and announced that she didn't have to work today, so I could have been here the whole time! I had fun with Kassidy though and I know she did too.

I'm at Nannys right now, probably going over to Robbys later for the night... talk to you all later!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Last update from the west

Last update while in Seattle...

The apartment is all packed up in the back of the UHaul and ready to hit the road! The landlord came over today.... for about 5 minutes... she said everything looked good, even though she didn't really look at anything... and said it smelled like cigarettes but if we washed the walls with vinager it should be fine. Now it just reaks of vinager. Whatever.

We were going to leave tonight, but we thought it would be better to try and get a good nights sleep tonight and start fresh in the morning. I'm so anxious to get going!

Well, I guess I'll see everyone when I get there... and my Texas relatives I'll see in September!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Cabin Fever

Wow, 2 updates in one day!!!

We are at the campsite right now, they have wireless internet access so Miss Kelsey brought her laptop along... how could we survive without it?! It came in very handy when we were playing the movie game while the hot dogs were cooking. It's a fun game... someone names a movie title and the next person either has to name an actor in that movie, or a second movie that has someone in it who was in the movie named, or the same words in the title... that's a little complicated....

The Butterfly Effect

So then, the next person can say... Ashton Kutcher.

So then the next person can name a movie he was in.... Dude, Where's My Car.

So the next person can say.... Riding in Cars with Boys (Both titles have the word car in it.)

Anyway, it's fun once you get the hang out it, but we kept saying "Oh, what's the name of that movie" or "Ah, what else was that person in"... so then out came the laptop on here we come.

After the game we ate hotdogs, baked beans, and potato salad. After dinner we played monopoly (Mom thought she had me with all those houses on her places but you can't beat a girl who has 3 houses on Boardwalk and Park Place). Now we are all in our beds... uncomfortably and ghetto since Mom forgot the blankets. Oh, and there's no fire pit. We can only make a fire in the grill provided, so no sitting around the campfire singing songs and telling stories... but we did that anyway. :o) Nothing can beat the camping trip with Patty and Pam almost killing me and Lauren with carbon dioxide poisoning though.

I miss my Papa Ed today. Mom and I were laughing and talking earlier about when he came camping with us in the camper and the table fell on his head. And then the 3 of us sat in the kitchen listening to all his stories from when he was growing up. I loved that trip, even though we skipped out early because the camp site really sucked and there wasn't really anything to do.

Nanny, I still plan on staying with you.. I can't wait to meet Lily! I miss Tulsa so much I need an animal to cuddle with. I will probably spend a few nights at Laurens house, and I think Robby is going to ask his mom if we can keep the furniture in his brothers old bedroom at her house so we don't have to pay for a storage unit. We are leaving Thursday, so hopefully we will be back by Monday at the latest.

Aunt Kris.... you need to post something in your blog. It's boring. Have a safe flight out to Seattle and I'll see you for.... a day.... while you're here.

Lots of excitement

Well, the week has been loooong. Getting ready to leave hopefully on Thursday around noon or 1. We pick up the UHaul on Wednesday, and Tuesday is our last day at Zeeks Pizza. I'm ready to get home and anxious to find a new apartment.

Monday was 4 years since Dad went, sad day- plus I had to work from 5 to close at Zeeks and I was the only one there besides my manager so the day pretty much sucked from beginning to end.

We're getting ready to go camping right now, I'm excited to spend the weekend with my mom and Kelsey... I'm definitely going to miss them a lot.

Can't wait for the tour dates to be released for the Hanson tour this fall/winter. Maybe they will set a date in Seattle and Lauren and I can come out and visit and take Kelsey to her first Hanson concert.

Robby is definitely ready to go... he misses his mom and all his friends a lot. The first couple weeks we are home I doubt we will even see each other- I'll probably be attached to Lauren when she's not at work and I know he will want to be with his friends a lot, catching up.

As for everyone in PA... Nanny, Aunt Kris... I'm excited to see you!!

Oh, and as far as BB7- I hate Boogie and Erica... I really don't know how I felt this season, I wasn't really cheering for anyone... I love James but I hated his game play this season. I really don't care who wins, but I think besides Aunt Kris, I'll be the only one watching the Season Finale. Oh, and I plan on visiting to apply to be on the show next season. I would totally win. :o)