Monday, August 28, 2006

Just an update out of boredom

Just wanted to say that I'm excited I have the next 2 days off of work and I plan on hanging out with Kelsey on Wednesday as much as possible... but I'm sure she will want to be on her computer up in her room "myspacing" and "hansoning" away for hours.... well, at least I can do that with her. I LOVE that she loves Hanson now... took me YEARS to get her into them and she finally has joined the fanson group. YIPPEE!!! I sure am going to miss her tons when I move back to PA... but the tour will be soon and hopefully she will be able to come out to Pennsylvania and finally go to a concert with me.

I reserved the UHaul yesterday... ready for pick up on September 13. Now, to get a job, find an apartment, and figure out how to get a car. Lots to do ahead. Job will be easy. Apartment shouldn't take too long, but I don't know about the car. Robby's mom just bought a new truck so hopefully she will give her old car to Rob and he will be able to drive me around like I did when I had a car.

Well, I'm very tired and have a sore throat so I think I'm gonna get comfy and see what's on the TV.

See ya'll on the flip side.


Kristin said...

Nice pink blog, you bandwagon jumper on-er :-)

nanny joan said...

Kelso is not happy about you moving East - are you sure you want to do that. How bout if Robbie steps up and drives the U-haul back here and finds a place for you guys to live and he definitely has a car - then you can come back when everything is set up! How does that sound to you. Bet your Mom would let you stay with her for a couple months until he has everything ready for you. I am sure you think I am totally nuts but truly Pooh-bear there really isn't anything back here for you but chaos and craziness. I hate to see you get back here and get involved in the craziness. Things have really changed a lot since you left last Fall, even since you left in April. My feet are dancing in my shoes and that does not bode well for me - its a sign that I am ready to bolt. I don't know how it can get much worse - the physical fighting is really getting scarry, I keep thinking "stabbings and/or shootings come next. I have bad thoughts about all of it. I am frustrated and angry about all of it. Please think really hard about why you want to come back here. Life changes and you know you really can't go home once you leave. I was never able (meaning I really didn't want to) to go back to Newburgh after I married and moved away. People change and they may be in your life for awhile but then they move on and so do you - hopefully to better things. I am scared for you Pooh! You are not a little girl anymore, and I know you have to make your own way in this world, but its a pretty nutsy world we are living in. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I only want the best for you. You know that don't you.