Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quick Update

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks, I have been BUUUUUSY!

So firstly, school. I'm taking Spanish 110 and a Coordinated Studies class which is Women's Studies and English 256. I think I'm doing really well so far, but it is a LOT of work! I have a lot of books to read for my Coordinated Studies class (it's 3 hours every Mon, Wed, and Fri) and I get a lot of homework every night in Spanish (which I have every morning at 9am) but it's good because it keeps it fresh in my mind and keeps my practicing... I also go to an hour long "conversation", which is basically tutoring, every Thursday for extra practice, and extra credit points. It's only the 3rd week of school and I have already had to read 2 books for Coordinated Studies, including "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" which is a very difficult read, but very interesting material so it was... well... kinda fun. ;o)

I'm still working 5 days a week like I was this summer, so that is sort of wearing me out but I'm loving my paychecks... even though this week it seemed to go way too fast and I still have another week before I get paid again. Next week I should (hopefully) begin my supervisor training and get my raise to $10/hr... which will be lovely for my pocket. My work is very understanding and leniant (sp?) though, and they know I'm a full time student so I usually get off early if we aren't busy, or I can study at work.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is going good, I just saw Jaelen on Sunday... we went to McDonalds for lunch. 2 weeks ago I took her to Greenlake to ride the paddleboats (which is harder than it looks) and we had pizza and ice cream. She said she likes hanging out with me. She's really funny too, she always has something to say and is continuously cracking me up at her 7 year old mind and the way it works.

October 17th is my "Take the Walk" walk. I don't know how many people will actually show up but I have been hanging flyers, making t-shirts, and spreading the word. I will let everyone know how the outcome was after it's over.

Other than that, everything is good... I'm pretty much balancing all my responsibilities really well and being able to find time on the weekends to go out with friends and take a break from all the hardwork so... so far so good!

Miss everyone!

Nanny- you have to invite me to read your blog- if you need my e-mail it's wyld3cg@hotmail.com


Alpha Female said...

Just to let you know I read your blog :-)

nanny joan said...

hey Pooh-bear ...... I cannot believe you are the same Meg that moved to Seattle only 10 months ago. You are really into this school thing, and I am so proud of you. I think it is wonderful that you are using that brain we all knew you had - keep up the good work girlfriend. I miss you an awful lot. Love, Nanny