Saturday, May 10, 2008

6 blisters, 3 burns, 1 cut, 0 cigarettes

To start, I smoked my last cigarette at 7:30pm May 8. I don't know how it happened... it started as a bet between me and Jason that he would buy me the new Mario Kart for the Wii if I stopped for a week, and the next thing I knew I was smoking my last one outside of Bartell on the verge of tears. Mom bought me the patch and Jason bought me the game and I haven't smoked yet. The patch really helps with the cravings... the hard thing is not going to smoke one at usual times during the day when I would, like after meals, at the bar, or in the evening when we are all watching TV. I was surprised what a good mood I was in yesterday, my first full day of no smoking. It didn't really bother me at school... it wasn't until I went out for some drinks with friends last night, and after eating a big sushi dinner that I really really wanted one. I chewed 5 packs of gum yesterday!

I also went for a jog/run around Greenlake yesterday and then out for some salad at Zeeks. I ran about a 1/2 mile and walked the other 2. It's going to take some time before I can do more, but I will keep at it. Last night we also walked to downtown from Capitol Hill instead of taking the bus or a taxi, which was another 1 1/2 miles... lots of exercise and let me tell you my body is feeling it today! Not to mention I was wearing very uncomfortable shoes last night and now have 6 new blisters on my feet to prove it. I also have 3 new burns across my fingertips on my right hand from grabbing the hot iron (not knowing it was hot), and a nice deep cut down the side of my right hand from a screw that sticks out of my closet door. All this and still didn't smoke a cigarette! That's definitely something to be proud of!

The spring quarter at school is almost done... Mid terms are over. I got a 90% on my Sociology midterm- my goal is an overall 3.5 GPA to get me on the Deans List. I'm working hard towards it and I think it will be a success- I haven't gotten anything less than a high B in English and my lowest grade in math has been an 88, so I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm thinking of taking 1 class over summer break to keep me working and rack up those credits so I can get my AA as quickly as I can. I've also been thinking of Seattle Pacific University (SPU) for my BA...

Tonight Mom and Jay are making hot dogs and cheeseburgers on the grill and Mom made Omi's favorite Potato Salad... Kelsey and I are waiting patiently to devour it! After dinner I have lots of Sociology to read. Tomorrow is Mothers Day so Kelsey and I are going to clean the house and make dinner.

Hope all is well with everyone else!


nanny joan said...

hey pooh-bear how are things still no smoking? That is so great. I will never touch another one again. When I think about what I look and feel like these past 7 days, I just can't believe that people continue to smoke. I don't know if Mom showed you the pics aunt Kris took but I swear I looked like I was laying on an autopsy table in a morgue somewhere. And I truly looked like someone stuck me in the washing machine on the agitator cycle and left me there wayyyyyyyy too long.......... My face and neck were all one big fat round circle. The swelling has gone down quite a bit but there is still aways to go. One of these times I will get back to posting on Nanny's page.

kirk said...

Really, really glad to hear that you quit smoking :-)
