Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The results are in!

Grades for this quarter:
Lit of American Culture- 3.5
Interculture Communications- 3.5
Spanish 1- 3.6
Quarterly GPA- 3.53

Which puts me on the Deans List! :o)

I'm sick, again. I can't get away from these head colds!
Steve and I didn't work out, oh well, it's alright.
Christmas break until Jan 5 (I think), Kelsey and I plan on spending it watching Season 3 of Veronica Mars on DVD.
I'm ready for Christmas, all my shopping is done. Only one more week!
Yay for Bob winning Survivor Gabon! Well, I'm off- I have some DVR shows to catch up on!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Almost Over!

Only 3 more days before this quarter is over!! Woo hoo!! Looking back on it, it seems like it ended really quick.. but boy am I ready for month off of school! I've been working really hard this quarter so I am definitely anticipating my break. Next quarter should be pretty difficult with the classes I'm taking... Bio Lab... I haven't taken biology since the 9th grade. Good thing I have a mom who just took lots of biology classes and a sister that speaks Spanish so I have 2 built in tutors at home!

I don't have any finals this quarter (I am exempt from the final in Spanish since I got good grades on my first 2 tests) so all I have to do is finish my English essay which is pretty close to being done, but definitely taking me longer than the other essays I had.

Thanksgiving was good, very fun. I ate waaaay too much, I was up till 3:30 in the morning sick to my stomach! That didn't stop me from eating a 2nd Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday though! I think Steve enjoyed himself, he played Rock Band for a little while with us.

I plan on spending my Christmas break in my PJ's and at work. I'm taking it easy and catching up on a lot of TV, haha.

Mom bought Kelsey and me our plane tickets to go back to PA over Spring Break! Yay! So excited to visit home. Lauren said she would pick us up from the airport in case anyone was wondering if they were going to have to get us, although we are flying into HBG so it's better than Baltimore or Philly.

New poll. Gotta go to sleep, school early in the AM!