Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So I guess the first and most important update is this past election we just had. I still can't believe Obama is our president. I'm so excited (for the first time ever) to see what he does first and how our country is going to change while he's in office!

So when it rains here, it's like walking on ice at my school. I was walking down the stairs on Friday after class, getting ready to head to the doctor to be checked for bronchitus (sp?). Well, I slipped.. and I didn't fall down the stairs, I kinda just went up and then right back down again onto my back in the middle of the stairwell. Thank god there weren't a lot of people around- just one guy who asked "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?! THAT LOOKED LIKE IT HURT!" I said, "Yeah, it's really slippy there!" and took myself towards the bathroom right away. I got really dizzy and nauseaus (sp?) and my ears started ringing really loud. I thought I broke my back! Good thing I was headed to the doctor. (By the way, I have the greatest doctor ever). After some x-rays he said he couldn't tell if there was a small crack or a weird shadow so I might have a small fracture and to keep it wrapped in a soft cast for about a week and it should be okay. My back hurts worse though, it's really bruised and cut up and hurts really bad when I bend over at all. I didn't have to go to work on Friday, because my doctor wrote me a note, and Saturday I wasn't very helpful so they let me go after 2 hours. We'll see how tonight goes!

I have a new boyfriend. His name is Steve and he will be 25 on November 17 (also Isaac Hansons birthday, hahaha). He has an AA degree from my school and will be starting UW Bothell in the next quarter or 2 to work on becoming a History teacher. He's a really nice, responsible, mature guy. Big step up. Oh, and he has the cutest pit bull ever named Chica. Steve is going to come to Thanksgiving here at our house this year... we just had a Halloween party last month as you probably read in Beaglehaus.

School is going really well, but I'm ready for this quarter to be over... only about 3-4 more weeks. I got a 94% on my first English essay! It was a personal narrative so it was pretty easy. I have another one due on Friday, it's an analysis of "The Woman Warrior" by Maxine Hong Kingston. Spanish test on Friday as well... if I get above a 75% (which I'm sure I will) I get to skip the final, which is super cool. I have an appointment with my advisor for this Thursday to figure out my classes for next quarter... I was thinking of adding another one and taking 4 classes instead of 3... we'll have to see how it goes.

Love and miss everyone! New poll!

1 comment:

nanny joan said...

so very very sorry about your mishap - I sure know what pain is all about - did your doctor give you anything for the pain? How bout a heating pad -that and Vicodin are helping my ribs. If you get a chance call me over the weekend. Send me a picture of your new boyfriend - he soulds nice - its time that you have someone who will be good to you. Love, Nanny