Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Guess who got a MEET AND GREET pass to go backstage at the Hanson concert!!!


Yippee!! Because I'm a member on hanson.net, I was chosen at random, along with about 10-15 other girls, to be given a Meet & Greet pass, which allows me backstage to meet the guys before the concert in Portland. The only downfall is, Kelsey can't go... the pass only allows me to go to the Meet & Greet, so that kinda sucks, but she's taking it like a champ and is excited that I got one. I've met them before, but never a planned meeting, so this time I am super nervous as what to say... I don't want to act like a crazy fan! I want to be cool, calm, and collected. Ha. I'm taking the drumstick that Zac gave to me during the show at the HOB in Atlantic City to have them all autograph it, which would be really cool. I'm not allowed to take my camera backstage though, no individual pictures- they will take a group photo with all the other M&G'ers that will be available on hanson.net. So, very cool!!! I am very excited as I'm sure you all can guess!!

Tomorrow Kelsey and I will venture up to Saint Helens, OR to see Jack Johnson. It's about a 3 hour trip and it's an outside concert, so we are hoping it is nice and sunny and there will be no rain. I'm very ready for September to start, it's a very busy month with 3 concerts in a row, fall quarter starts, etc.

Mom and Kelsey just got home from Pennsylvania a few days ago, and on Friday Mom and Jason leave to visit Jonathan in New Zeland so Kelsey and I will be here on our own while they are gone, taking care of our flea infested beagles!

Well I'm off to watch Season 2 of Heroes, so I'll be ready when Season 3 starts next month!

Oh yeah!!! I auditioned for a new MTV reality show called "The Phone". It's somewhat like the Amazing Race, call backs should be sometime this week, so I will definitely let everyone know what happens! How cool would that be?!

....and who voted that Isaac was the hottest Hanson brother? ::cough mom cough::

Thursday, August 07, 2008


I met Jaelen and her family last weekend. It went well I thought, except Jaelen was very shy and didn't say much. She eventually warmed up to me and showed me how she does a cartwheel and told me about girlscouts and stuff that she likes to do. I'm planning on picking her up on Saturday for a trip to the park and some french fries at McDonalds.

I finished the last week of summer quarter today. Monday I have a review and my final is on Tuesday, then I finally have my break before fall quarter begins in September.

We got a new manager at work and they fired almost our whole staff... I was worried to go in last weekend but I ended up getting a raise, hah. I'm a pizza maker extravagent!

Mom and Kelsey head to Pennsylvania in a couple days and I'm very jealous that I am not going along... especially since Uncle Kirk and Aunt Kristen and the kids will be there too. :( After they get back, Kelsey and I have lots of concerts to look forward to, including back to back Hanson concerts, and Mom and Jason head to New Zealand.

I have an appointment tomorrow with the Orthodontist for my TMJ which has been super painful for the past week, I can barely even chew! Hopefully she will be able to figure out what we can do to fix it.

Well, miss everyone, I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball.