Friday, December 29, 2006

The Aftermath

Christmas was wonderful, I think one of the best Christmas's in awhile! I got lots of cool presents including a blue Ipod Nano, 2 DVDS, 2 CDs, new shoes, new clothes, money, stuffed animals, and lots of other exciting things! I won a total of $58 off of holiday lottery tickets, and Robby brought home a black lab puppy that was running along side of the highway! We named him Zeppelin and he is sooo cute, so far no one has claimed him as lost so he's ours for the time being! I'll try to post pictures soon.

Our trip to Pittsburgh was a great success- Robby had a lot of fun and really liked Mary and Hugo and the Dusquene Club. We always love visiting there and hopefully will be able to go back soon, especially since we had no car trouble on the trip!

The day we got back however, things took a turn for the worst. I got the flu! I was sick in bed for Wednesday after we got home, all of yesterday and half of today. My stomach is better and I'm able to keep down food but it has now turned into a bad cold which the DR says will last about 10 days. I was told I was very contagious so I couldn't return to work until Tuesday and Nanny ran rapid around here with Clorox wipes cleaning everything, who could blame her.

Well I'm headed back to the couch with my tissues and blanket, hope everyone had a good holiday and happy new year 2007!

1 comment:

nanny joan said...

hey pooh bear. It seems funny to post on your blog when you are right here but I enjoy reading what you write. How is your cold - did you give it to Robbie yet? when will you be home again?

I am supposed to go over to the Sheraton tonight to hang with the Durick gang - have a few drinks and sit around the pool. If you and Robbie want to come along let me know. I am going to 12:30 mass with Aunt Mare and I will know more about what time etc later today.

I got to read all your mom's posts. they sure were busy on this vacation. you can read the comment that I left there too.