Sunday, November 12, 2006

Relaxing weekend

Well... what is going on over here in the H-Burg? Same as always...

Aunt Claire and Becky came from NY... I, of course, was at Robby's for the weekend. He was at work most the time... he works from 3-10/11 usually. So his sister picked me up from work on Friday and I went over to his house for his...I guess soon to me my... nephews 1st birthday. It was kinda weird being at his house with all his family and him not there, but it was fun. His family really likes me... especially his grandfather. He's funny, reminds me of Papa sometimes. But when he left he gave me a hug and a kiss and told me he loved me, ha. Don's (Robbys step dad) parents were there... his mom loves the quilt I made Robbys mom and wants me to go over to his house to show her how to make one. Don's sister and her little girl was there too. Turns out her little girl is friends with Kassidy! What a small world.

On Saturday I spent most of the day laying around watching TV and movies while Robby was at work. Pretty much a boring, relaxing weekend.

Tonight I picked up Erin and we went to Giant so I could get some groceries and then to Ross's where I got a new outfit for work. And guess what? I got the same freakin shirt that Nanny bought like 2 weeks ago. How funny... my 65 grandma and I have the same taste in clothes.

Well gotta go watch Celebrity Paranormal Project on VH1... catch ya'll later!

1 comment:

Alpha Female said...

Do you remember how to make that quilt? And by the way, I need to get a Christmas list from you at some point..hopefully soon because we need to start!