Wednesday, July 11, 2007

5 months later...

I never update anymore!

Actually, I'm not really on the computer that much...
Robby and I both got new jobs- he is working at Hartman Ford or Toyota or whatever... he washes cars and is making pretty good money and seems to like going to work much more now then he did when he was cooking.
I am back to waitressing, my job for EZPass through the temp agency was really stressful and I hated what I was doing so I thought it was time for a change. I think waitressing will be a good change for me and allow me to make more money.

The cruise to New England was so much fun and Robby and I miss everyone already! We came back and were sitting in the living room and looked at each other and said, 'Man, we could be eating lobster and steak and ice cream...' instead our fridge is empty!

Zeppelin was very excited to see us when we got back... he is now just starting to let us leave the room by ourselves without him at our heels. He's still spoiled rotten.

I wish I had a digital camera like all of you so I can upload pictures of our apartment and Zeppelin so you all can see!